Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Panther Ausf G May 1945 Part 3

Paint time, Favorite time.
Lets dive into a few things. Panthers during this time were base coated with Olivegrun. Then the rest of the  Factory pattern was applied. So knowing that I would be using a Light Tone I picked white as my primer. This will over brighten the camo tones.

At this stage the colors are very jarring. Its not fun to look at for a long time. This is the perfect place for Filters. I needed to cool the competing down. There a great tip which is "Work from the Lightest color"- Tankart 1

 I picked a Light Grey filter  It worked well with both the Dunkelgelb and the Resedagrun. It brought the Tones into line. Its cooler, Its appealing to the eyes and is the first on the weathering process It gently faded the color.

Filter on left Base color on right.

 Part 4 Weathering

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